Local environmental organizations release Quebec municipal election candidates’ positions on conservation of Gatineau Park and surrounding region
Survey educates voters on pressing environmental issues and candidate stances
Yesterday, three local environmental organizations released responses from candidates running in the Province of Quebec’s municipal election regarding their positions on conservation protection for Gatineau Park, the Gatineau River, and our climate.
The non-partisan survey was developed to help voters make informed decisions prior to the municipal election on Sunday, November 7.
We asked candidates five questions on the following topics:
- Governing legislation to enshrine Gatineau Park’s boundaries, granting the National Capital Commission adequate park management authority, and preventing the sale of Gatineau Park lands for development
- New zoning for the Gatineau Park ecological corridors promoting ecological integrity and biodiversity conservation
- Plans to ensure Gatineau River is protected
- Municipal-based conservation targets to protect 30% of their municipality’s area as forest, wetland, or other natural vegetation by 2030
- A target in their municipal plan of being carbon neutral 2035
“It’s our goal this survey will help voters gain a better sense of how candidates plan on furthering environmental protection in the region,” said John McDonnell, Executive Director of Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – Ottawa Valley chapter. “It’s crucial people get out and vote, and that they feel empowered and educated in their decision.”
The survey was sent to all registered candidates for whom contact information was readily available in the municipalities of Chelsea, Cantley, La Pêche, Pontiac, and MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais. No edits or modifications were made to responses. This survey was done in collaboration with Action Chelsea for Respect for the Environment (ACRE) and Friends of the Gatineau River (FOG).