February 25, 2024
BY Julia Clarke

Did you know? Gatineau Park is at risk!
You may be surprised to find out that Gatineau Park is a park in name only.
Most of Gatineau Park belongs to the federal government and the National Capital Commission (NCC) manages the land, but it does not have the permanent legal protection provided to “real” national parks.
Without governing legislation establishing the park’s boundaries and full parliamentary oversight, the same oversight given to all our Canadian national parks, portions of the park will continue to be subject to use for new roads, housing development and shopping centres.
Gatineau Park’s 361 square kilometers are home to 118 rare or endangered species and 50 lakes. Connections of natural areas (within and adjacent to the park) are essential to the movement of species and therefore the health of the park. Roads and development threaten this connectivity in the absence of legislative protection.
Our Mission
To achieve legislated protection for Gatineau Park equivalent to a national park, with boundaries protected in law.
Help us demonstrate to decision makers that Canadians want protection for Gatineau Park!
Look out for a new petition coming this spring for you to sign
#MakeitaRealPark is an initiative of CPAWS-Ottawa Valley.
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